Blackwake is a multiplayer naval warfare game with team focused elements. It features destructible ships, first person combat, ship sailing, ship boarding, and objective based game modes. The game is currently in Pre-Alpha and is being made by 2 developers. For development blogs and updates. Description Requirements Latest News Reviews Blackwake is a multiplayer naval FPS focused on teamwork and cooperation. Broadside or board enemy ships as a crew with intense FPS Naval Combat based in the Age of Sail Man the cannons and fire off coordinated broadsides with other players to sink the opposing ship. In Blackhawk Striker 2, you're a pilot for the 365 Assault Helicopter Co.Your job is to fly your bird with turbine power, 10 grunts, and a ton of grit. As the last pilot on this mission after a brutal night of heavy attacks, you'll need to fuel up and make a quick stop at the arming pits for some linked 7.62 for the M-60's. Blackwake is an indie naval first person shooter. With a development team of only two creators, Blackwake focuses on team-based tactics and fast-paced combat. Players can take many roles aboard a ship as they battle for survival and supremacy. Blackwake Free Download. February 25, 2017. Sid Meiers Civilization VI Summer 2017 Edition Free Download All DLC. February 24, 2017.
Controls in Blackwake are simple and intuitive. It does not require major remapping, but it is, of course, possible. The controls presented below are the default ones.
Melee Attack Left Mouse Button
Timed Melee Block Right Mouse Button
Main/Secondary/Melee/Special Weapons 1, 2, 3, 4
Check Time Remaining/Tickets/Nameplates/Cannon Icons Q
Repair Hammer 5
Blackwake Crack Multiplayer
Use E
Run Shift
Main/Secondary/Melee/Special Weapons 1, 2, 3, 4
Check Time Remaining/Tickets/Nameplates/Cannon Icons Q
Repair Hammer 5
Blackwake Crack Multiplayer
Use E
Run Shift
Crouch Ctrl
Leave Object S
Crew Commands 1 Z
Crew Commands 2 X
Captain Commands C
Change Loadout M
Check Scoreboard Tab
Crew Chat U
Faction Chat I
All Chat Y
Proximity Voip F
Global Voip G
Crew Voip V
Faction Voip B